Labor Day

Written by C Hues

September 2, 2024

It is Labor Day.
And you have the whole day off---
To do chores at home.

Slave Trade

Written by C Hues

September 1, 2024

We learned lots of skills.
That’s why it’s called the slave trade.
DeSantis said so.
Get raped and tortured for free—
Learn justice does not exist.


Written by C Hues

August 29, 2024

Vance says, “Go to hell.”
Thanks to climate change, we’re there.
But it’s not so bad.
The Devil himself said so—
Before he called Vance “VP.”


Written by C Hues

August 28, 2024

Her name’s hard to say—
If you’re white supremacists
Or if you’re stupid.
But I’ve repeated myself.
The right got it wrong, again.


Written by C Hues

August 28, 2024

Here’s a thought, Donald:
Kamala’s been black before
You became orange.

New Old

Written by C Hues

August 27, 2024

Irish immigrants
Are Vance’s new old targets.
And Trump commits crimes
Vance remembers to forget.
Trump led a coup with his mob.