
Written by C Hues

December 15, 2021

                                This is the last time I will stray
				The night before the Genesis
				Lust has darkened all my days
				Succumbing to my nemesis
				Dreaming of what we built
				Before we begin, I hasten
				Could it be the Catholic Guilt?
				As history breeds anticipation

				What a relief to not be a bride
				The whiteness won’t conceal the lie
				The jokes our guests throw at your pride
				Knowing my number’s twice as high

				Our children will resemble me
				I can avoid all questions
				And no new branches on the tree
				From my past indiscretions

		You have loved before me—but with me you’ve been true
				As you cannot hold back the tears
				And we exchange, “I do”
				I will eradicate your fears

				A few days after I was made one
				I look with lament where you lay
				I told my wife that we were done
				This is the last time I will stray


Written by C Hues

December 9, 2021

                        Blood is thicker than water—when water is steam
			Blood is what was spilled to stop fulfilling A Dream
			The same blood of a peasant is shared with a King
			Blood was Ali’s gift to the supremacists’ Ring

			Blood is what the owner gave to the slave
			British blood in black bodies—the master would crave
			Blood’s another word you may use for your kin
			Except the Blood that you damn for their darker skin

The Cynic’s Love

Written by C Hues

December 1, 2021

                                        Love is like a chemistry lab
					Love is rolling seven after six
					Love is being black to catch a cab
					Love is just the latest fix

					Love’s a word you use for like
					Love is a sarcastic slight
					Deadly as a lightning strike
					Love’s the other side of spite

					Love is pet names that you hate
					Dare not tell it to your mate
					Love is seeing your name carried
					Kids who love you after you’ve been buried


Written by C Hues

November 29, 2021

There is POWER in my Voice, Yes /
Don’t consider it a weapon /
The pen is sword and shield, my protection /
Just like how we must mask to fight against Corona /
At Last, the writing has awakened my Persona /
I take a Stand, and hatch a Bizarre Plan /
I’m like Clark Kent, suitin’ up to strike the Klan /
From Rosa to Recy, I’ll make sure they see me /
Celia didn’t die in vain; the pain will free us /
They hated us for centuries, couldn’t be us so they beat us /
I was destined to lead, since before I was a fetus /
So meet us with some empathy or stay your ass home /
The time is mine; I shine like Ali—never call him Clay /
The oppressed make history, each and every day /
Now, whether you’re an atheist or all you do is pray /
Keep Moving Ahead cause you’re a King, defeat can never come your way.