On Point

Written by C Hues

August 10, 2024

I’m the best point guard. 
All my airballs are passes—
To the other team.


Written by C Hues

August 9, 2024

You broke all records—
But you skipped all your drug tests.
You’re not so dope now.

All Hail

Written by C Hues

August 8, 2024

All hail Donald Trump
Who put the economy in a helluva slump
Whose crowds are greater than King’s
And you two basically fought for the same things
You both stood for peace
Like how Trump had his supporters attack and kill police
I suppose an insurrection is a March on Washington
Without any proof that you really won
Fake news spewing fool fighting for fraud
As your supporters love the felon they laud
The sexual abuser and pathological liar
The guy who’ll bring us jobs is Mr. “You’re fired”?
But basically, Martin would be so proud
Of a man who listens less and shouts so loud


Written by C Hues

August 6, 2024

Trump’s henchmen riot
And maintain law and order
By murdering cops.