Written by C Hues

December 11, 2022

The catcher caught the dog caught the cat caught the bird caught the big fish caught the small fish. The small fish was eaten by the big fish was eaten by the bird was eaten by the cat was eaten by the dog was killed by the catcher because he took him to the pound. The catcher is a human. The human went home and ate a small fish. The human choked on the small fish and died. The end.


Written by C Hues

December 9, 2022

When John Punch was captured and discerned to be different, we knew it was the beginning of 
     And now we are taught that colonization was the start of America and Imperialism is its
   But here we are, our bodies have been broken, beaten, brought, bought—not our own, and 
     We cannot walk in the world without war waged on women. But this was the beginning of
that erased our religions, histories, cultures—and made them singular. Celia put her master to his
         to stop his rape, and for it she was hanged. Tubman led the way to freedom so that 
            we wouldn’t live the same Nightmare that Malcolm preached about, yet here
Cousin, Son, Brother, Nephew, Grandson. I hope they know that though their lives are at an
       their history is just beginning. Your memory will never die because you live with us 
                                                                              And forever.


Written by C Hues

December 5, 2022

“Your kids will love these instruments and learn devotion.”
I knew one kid who threw his flute into the ocean.
The lies they pushed to our parents should’ve been a crime.
Our fingers failed us in Double Time.

The great band leaders with greater stares
Is this Band or Musical Chairs?
“You’re down a seat—you missed a beat.
This isn’t Marching—don’t tap your feet!”

All this and what to show
1st place for the 500th time in a row
At the same concert in Florida, Virginia, whatever.
Thanks for making me hate band better.

Daylight Saving Time

Written by C Hues

December 5, 2022

I can’t find a tie to match my shoes!
All I see is azure, gamboge, rouge.
And my shirt is wrinkled—is this fate?
Of all the days to wake up late.

Shit—I’m already an hour behind.
I feel like I might just lose my mind.
I settle for what I’ve got.
At least I ate a hearty breakfast—Not. 

I take ride share to get there quick.
But my driver gets lost—and I feel sick.
When I finally see the place,
I run and almost land on my face.

The office is empty—except for one.
Now I realize what I’ve done. 
The boss says, “You’re early and that’s sublime.”
My first day’s Daylight Saving Time.


Written by C Hues

December 4, 2022

The clowns convene and the die is cast
Supremacy survives on the lie of caste
The system of slavery you said was a choice
Yet slave owners raped us and snuffed out our voice

Jolly Saint Nick has a present for us
Some dirt and a return to back of the bus
But this genius should order a DNA Test
And meet his black cousins from the east to the west

45 really thought he could say who we are
Cause this construct he’s sold has taken him far
But he’s just a fool—with less and less on his team
Hurrah the three stooges—the losers Supreme