Think That’s Fair

Written by C Hues

January 7, 2024

White supremacists storm the capital.
But their crime is far from capital.
You say the punishment is too severe?
Pretend they’re black—still think that’s fair?
Giving burgers to church shooters.
Use excuses to murder looters.
Say that you’re friend to every cop,
Yet that red wave made blue lives stop.
And now you speak of bullshit pardon,
I hear you right? I beg your pardon.
Supremacists raped us and reveled in our blood.
Called us cursed sons of the Flood.
But if we’re cursed, I guess you’re blessed.
Power judges, yet cannot confess.

White Savior

Written by C Hues

January 3, 2024

Thank you for saving us from us.
Thank you for allowing us on the bus,
We were so grateful to give up our seat.
Thank you for feeding us—we graciously eat.
Thank you for teaching us to be complacent.
Segregated yet mixed, how’d we get so adjacent?
Thank you for teaching us to endure and die.
Who taught you how to lie?
While white supremacists raped us,
Church dresses draped us.
And you have the nerve to mock and belittle?
Wondering how you get X out of Little?
Denying veterans G.I. Bills they deserved,
Mocking the bravery of black souls who served.

Original Sin

Written by C Hues

January 2, 2024

It’s always better when you’re numb.
Each second, start subtracting sum.
Remember when you couldn’t count?
You fall to fear as your sins mount. 

Remember back when you would tally?
It seemed your peak was others’ valleys.
You fall to fear as you just question.
Each second spent is second guessin’.

You fall to fear for your heart’s hardened.
Each second blamed back to the garden.
Remember when mistakes were yours?
It seems you don’t, you want a war.

Each second, slip into the madness.
You fall to fear and fear brings sadness.
It’s sin that pastor says has cursed you.
Remember that Church makes a worse you.

New You

Written by C Hues

January 1, 2024

New year, new you. Right.
New year? Knew you were all talk.
Left with the same shit.