
Written by C Hues

February 4, 2024

You won the award.
You have validation now.
But it’s a Razzie. 


Written by C Hues

February 3, 2024

I’m singing the blues
Because they took my music
Without paying me.

They got the credit.
And now, I got bad credit.
I live to serve you.

I’ll take my black ass
Back to the Delta to die.
There’s no funeral.

I’m blues royalty,
So I get no royalties.
All I get is got.


Written by C Hues

February 2, 2024

You’re worth less than worthless—
That’s how they treat you.
Truth is they need you
To live by the lie of who they claim to be.
You are a person—
Calm, angry, mercurial,
Intelligent, wise, impulsive…
Sometimes you overthink things
And sometimes you underreact.
You are not a caricature—
Although your body has been overworked
And your brilliance has been overlooked.
You are a person—
And you must know you’re worthy.


Written by C Hues

February 1, 2024

Malcolm broke the distorted mirror.
The visionary saw that we are love.
Although his color was ever fairer,
He knew actions made one above.

Martin saw beyond the strife.
He fixed the laws, but did hearts change?
He knew that pain was not all of life.
So just like laws, hearts were in range.

And Rosa fought with fire growing.
Her fight for Recy was ignored.
The history books were not showing
That her power was the movement forged.

Ali didn’t just speak out—
He showed us not to be afraid.
He taught blacks to never have doubt—
So, some still hate the man self-made.