
Written by C Hues

March 18, 2024

There lived a white liberal named Lauryn.
She dated men black, brown, and foreign.
She pissed off her mother
By fucking a brother.
She made sure to get an abortion.

Three-Leaf Clover

Written by C Hues

March 17, 2024

They say the three-leaf clover saved souls
But it was mere empathy over control
Patrick didn’t impose his customs on Ireland
He didn’t use power to push, pedal violence

Patrick connected with their culture and clover
And showed his faith lived within them, not over
And while driving out snakes makes a great tale
Showing humanity outlasts heaven and hell.


Written by C Hues

March 15, 2024

Welcome to the unwelcoming town
Where Confederate flags and racists abound
Where Emporiums have blackface dolls
And the store owner follows you down every hall.
Welcome to the—well, come on…
You should’ve known what you were getting into
And you may as well lay down and let them step on you
Cause ain’t no one gonna rescue you
And it’s a devil layin’ next to you
What a lovely place to get murdered and disappear
Or maybe lynched or get shot like a deer
You got multiple other dates and this is what you choose
First time for everything, just for what you lose
To win when winter’s at its end
Old racist tellin’ you it’s Mrs. Not Ms.
Well, excuse me, so sorry bitch.

The Loser’s Song

Written by C Hues

March 14, 2024

I pick up a pen to stick up men
This is my weapon, I been up since
10 A.M., and sleep by 4, it rains it pours
I lost my job, my household chores
Are getting old, and it’s outta control
The 30-year-old with a teenager’s soul
I mean I feel like Peter Parker but black
I’m runnin’ out of money and it’s funny in fact
I got some dates comin’ up, and I’m hatin’ the sun
My reflection’s messin’ with me sayin’ I’m done
When’s the last time you won? One of a kind—
A loner by name, you were just a rebound
But she was the same, or a backup, young black pup
Keep your head up, usin’ that woman to make another mad
You got three at a time and another first day next week
Yet nothin’ in your pockets but your phone and your keys.


Written by C Hues

March 3, 2024

Want to hear a joke?
Ask your boss for more money.
You’re broke and broken.