Negro Leagues

Written by C Hues

May 29, 2024

Blacks batting better for the Grays
The Negro Leagues were left alone
You overlooked our stats and plays
There’s only one seat to the throne.

No room for better players here
You give us space to disappear
Commissioner’s so kind and fair
So, thanks for spreading hate and fear

Fixing series, stealing signs
But black is where we crossed the lines?
And now you’re giving us our due
History, you’re nothing new.

Come to Jesus

Written by C Hues

May 29, 2024

These are the thoughts I can’t control
Non serviam, I lose my soul
The more I fight, ignore the lessons
The less I fight, the thoughts then lessen

My mind’s a maze meant not to end
These torments torments will not bend
My mind’s amazement never ceases
That I have yet to come to Jesus.

No Hookups, Huh?

Written by C Hues

May 26, 2024

You got on Tinder.
And call folks “weird” for hookups.
You’re on the right app.

Tinder’s known for depth.
You’ll find your soulmate swiping.
No one will play games.

Judgmental profile
Reveals your best qualities
And not your baggage.


Written by C Hues

May 23, 2024

Went on a date with a Californian named Rose—
She was lovely as arsenic, so the story goes.
This is what I have to say about our meeting:
This Rose never bloomed, her kindness was fleeting.
Rose, if you doubled your IQ, it’d still be single digit.
You can’t outsmart me, you intellectual midget.
You say superheroes aren’t for adults, they’re for their kid.
Sure, that’s why Deadpool’s Rated R,
And why Kingpin crushed his henchmen’s head with the door of his car,
Why the X-Men prove bigotry isn’t dead,
But I guess we should listen to this fool instead.
You think being quiet is odd—it’s anything but.
You criticize others, yet you can’t shut the fuck up.
Say I must be so close-minded—
Interesting, is that how you find it?
You say if I don’t date conservative, it’s apparent,
Yet you won’t date someone if you see they’re a parent.
Say Washingtonians are rude, as you smirk with pride,
Yet you laugh at those who commit suicide.
Well, at least you acknowledge you’re not empathetic.
You’ve cracked the case, detective. Instead, you’re pathetic.


Written by C Hues

May 20, 2024

There once was a woman named Jen.
On Tinder, was ten out of ten.
Till one day she got old.
And responses ran cold.
Shallow men focused on the next gen.