
Written by C Hues

June 2, 2024

You claim Confederate as your heritage
Yet you forgot they were a rebel nation
You’re for family values and parentage
Yet you forgot about your slaves—you raped them.

I know, it’s hard having amnesia
That’s why it’s easy to hate your kin
I know, it’s hard having amnesia
That’s why it’s easy to hate again

You say you love the Constitution
Forget the cops at the Capitol
Yet you’re expecting absolution?
Forget it—you lose Trump’s battle, though.

It must be nice having amnesia
That’s why you’re nice to your darker kin
It must be nice having amnesia
That must mean you can forget your sin.

Your Messiah

Written by C Hues

June 1, 2024

Blue Lives Matter—until they try 45
Love how he made Lazarus spring alive
And when he fed the thousand times five
Yes, your messiah has finally arrived

Will you die for the dumbness
Though this felon ain’t fund-less.
He’s essentially worthless
Yet you say we all deserve this

The criminal who hates crime
The Christian who won’t forgive
The convict that dodges time
The conman that doesn’t fib

Your messiah.

Fair Play

Written by C Hues

May 31, 2024

There’s unfairness in the air
That’s shifting with the season.
She played her last game there
But brought b-ball cohesion.

They pay her handsomely—
A fraction of the men.
And wouldn’t you agree
To play for us again?


Written by C Hues

May 31, 2024

Use each other, be a sport
So, both are keeping score
Home is where the harem is
Away with being bored

Get your rebound, then get blocked
Players never complain
They never cheat either
And alcoholics abstain

Use each other, be a sport
So, both are keeping score
Home is where the harem is
Away with being bored

Lying naked, yet concealed
The truth’s so far from bare
And we triple-double-down
When two pretend they care.


Written by C Hues

May 30, 2024

You might want to hush now
Might not say a word
You’ve just been convicted—
Said a little bird.

Looks like karma’s coming
Thanks to talking truth
See this slow man running
At least you’ve got your youth!

Bye bye 45
Even if you win
Your bible said it best
So, swear on it again.