Spoiler Alert

Written by C Hues

September 14, 2022

If life is a movie, what is its genre?
Horror—constant fear with no remedy
Perhaps—a poor, pathetic drama
Or maybe, looking closely—a comedy 
The mocking laughter of terrible trauma
And the realization that the protagonist is not guaranteed victory.

If life is a movie—at least we know the end
Some stick to the script and some make their own
Some deny but all comprehend
The third act’s darker tone
No point to pretend
No spoiler alert for what we’ve always known.

Spider Webs

Written by C Hues

September 12, 2022

It’s the last one to knock down
Suspended stillness—surrounded strings
What remains when you watch the spider drown?
They’re the toughest things

When streaming shows—it suddenly shows!
Or family dinner—then another appearance
The mosquito meets its mark—and your regret grows
No spider webs means easy clearance


Written by C Hues

September 9, 2022

I must follow rules
Otherwise it’s no haiku
This is a haiku


Written by C Hues

September 8, 2022

Time   is    an   illusion     making     fools     of        us      all
And we have lost our lives to vanity
But when death makes her call
For forgotten friends, family
Life seems so small
Is an illusion
That traps too many
But amidst all the confusion
We see that we truly don’t have any
And every second we didn’t spend with them is lost to Time


Written by C Hues

September 6, 2022

Digging for data discerning death, birth, baptism
Veterans from every war
Hoping to uncover the mysticism
Yet fearing what’s beyond the door

He has a young mother and no father
Written down as Mulatto
But freeing the son—why bother?
Denial is the unwritten motto