Black at Beijing

Written by C Hues

February 15, 2022

Black at Beijing
That’s a feeling that’ll sting
To be visible yet invisible
Representin’ the indivisible dream
If you succeed, it’s impossible
And when you fail, it’s a meme
But what nobody understands
Everyday for us is Black at Beijing

If you Black at Tokyo, they give you the red light
But ROC at Beijing, heyyy, it’s alright
Still, with a will of steel we fulfill the dream
We are the GOLD that we win for our team
We transcend and transform, with intelligent reaction
Break barriers for the youth like Erin Jackson
And we can see Robinson inspirin’ Marino 
Cuz Jackie is a classic, jus ask Tarantino

[  Citation: “Julia Marino”. Olympic silver medalist and snowboarder, Julia Marino, says she is inspired by Jackie Robinson and that he is one of her heroes. ]