
Written by C Hues

March 20, 2024

Thank you for torturing and killing us
Raping us, yet you claim you ain’t feeling us
You wear that badge to protect and serve
Sure, making sure good people get what they don’t deserve
Yet karma’s yet to meet men in power
Blame us for crime but commit it yourself
You ain’t crazy? You should be committed yourself
As each day gets darker, our mood more dour
We were never in control, we never had freedom
Yet we still won your wars, but never could lead them
And if we won awards, it was just a gesture
We got medals from other countries that treated us better
Than our own home where we shared blood with whites
The men in power spent their hours in the lowly shacks some nights
And discarded their sons and daughters made bright
No matter how bright—we’re always restricted by sight.