
Written by C Hues

December 15, 2021

                                This is the last time I will stray
				The night before the Genesis
				Lust has darkened all my days
				Succumbing to my nemesis
				Dreaming of what we built
				Before we begin, I hasten
				Could it be the Catholic Guilt?
				As history breeds anticipation

				What a relief to not be a bride
				The whiteness won’t conceal the lie
				The jokes our guests throw at your pride
				Knowing my number’s twice as high

				Our children will resemble me
				I can avoid all questions
				And no new branches on the tree
				From my past indiscretions

		You have loved before me—but with me you’ve been true
				As you cannot hold back the tears
				And we exchange, “I do”
				I will eradicate your fears

				A few days after I was made one
				I look with lament where you lay
				I told my wife that we were done
				This is the last time I will stray