
Written by C Hues

December 15, 2023

There’s the past paved before me; I ignore paths.
The artist was the choice, or it was warpaths. 

You’ve got to follow suit, it has to fit you, son.
But sometimes the right roads are not the sure paths.

There isn’t time to follow, wish I knew that then—
To mimic is to lessen, not make more paths.

But now I’ve learned my lesson, it’s instilled.
There’s only what you make, you can’t ensure paths.

I traded gifts for glory, and I didn’t C the truth.
Now I’m enriched, though still with youth—I won’t take poor paths.	

I traded myself.
I couldn’t be what they were.
I betrayed myself.
I looked like them, but I’m not.
I’m an artist, no robot.

Remember, you used to think you were cool,
Playing war games after school.

Sometimes you waste time.
When you realize what it means,
You’re old; time wastes you.

Where’s that fire, now your passion’s cooled?
Playing dead, cause you got schooled.

I search my heart deep.
I try to find an ember.
To be continued…