
Written by C Hues

April 18, 2023

Thought your skin was made of steel.
That bullets bounced off your chest.
You got hurt, can’t even heal.
Your body’s sore, mind won’t rest.

Your boss makes shitty workdays.
Overtime and underpaid.
Great, just makes you love work—yay!
You’re a loner, and afraid.

Don’t have a car; got no house.
And maybe the rent’s past due.
And you still don’t have a spouse.
So you stay down; all is blue.

The times are nothing but dark.
You tell yourself life’s all bad.
You’re no hero, just a Clark.
So your strife is all you had?

Suffering is part of life.
A hero helps others fight.
So when someone’s down with strife,
Even Clark can make things right.