
Written by C Hues

August 18, 2024

What’s your policy?
Don’t talk about policy.
And compliment yourself.
Yet there’s nothing read on your bookshelf.
If it isn’t Mister America, yes—
Orange and grotesque.
Aren’t you quite a looker.
Oops, I mistook sir
For an elephant,
But unintelligent
And lacking empathy.
You’re your own worst enemy:
45 yet nearly 80.
Michelle was copied by your First Lady.

Not So Smart

Written by C Hues

August 16, 2024

Your racist memes will win “the blacks.”
We just love your false attacks.

Your hostage and mom were immigrants;
In Europe they’re all innocents.

She’s not so smart yet you’re a brain.
It’s intelligent to bitch and complain
About a man no longer running,
And avoid policy but call it cunning.

At the Movies

Written by C Hues

August 12, 2024

The movies are great—
When you want overpriced food
And short-staffed service.

On Point

Written by C Hues

August 10, 2024

I’m the best point guard. 
All my airballs are passes—
To the other team.


Written by C Hues

August 9, 2024

You broke all records—
But you skipped all your drug tests.
You’re not so dope now.