Fuck Repetition

Written by C Hues

August 26, 2024

Fuck repetition.
Seriously, fuck that shit.
Fuck repetition.
Seriously, fuck that shit.
Seriously, fuck that shit.

Dental Appointment

Written by C Hues

August 25, 2024

Dental appointment—
But I’ve got no insurance.
I came with tooth pain.
But I’ve left with a headache.
Thank you for your service, “doc”.

Black Job

Written by C Hues

August 23, 2024

Even McDonald’s
Would not hire felon Trump.
Is that a black job?


Written by C Hues

August 23, 2024

Sexual abuse 
And 34 felonies
Must all be fake news.

Taylor Swift’s support
And good white supremacists
Must not be Fox News.

Getting Colder

Written by C Hues

August 22, 2024

Climate change is fake,
And Taylor Swift endorsed you…
You’re getting colder.