
Written by C Hues

July 30, 2024

You hated surfing,
But since it’s more popular—
Now, you’ll ride the wave.


Written by C Hues

July 29, 2024

I got through one heat—
To get through another heat—
To lose the final.


Written by C Hues

July 28, 2024

To play soccer well—
All you need is a small drone
And a cheating coach.


Written by C Hues

July 27, 2024

He’s humble in defeat
He respects women too
He never tells a lie
He does it all for you

He planned for the pandemic
Yet Dems stole the election
Well, he said it—so it’s true
We’ll get ‘em with the next win

He will control the border
Bipartisan deals be damned
When both sides reach agreement
That’s the one thing we can’t stand

He’ll erase Obama
And take us back to hate
It was the good times then
When slaves were whipped and raped