
Written by C Hues

April 19, 2024

Hope is what’s released
When your only son is shot by police
Hope is what will cease
When cops commit crime but ask you for peace
Hope is lost, black man
When your daughter’s assaulted by the Klan
Hope has got you damned
When the ghost of Jim Crow haunts this free land
Hope has been erased
When you’ve fought our war, yet you’ve been displaced
Hope has lost its place
When all our artists have their dreams defaced
Hope is but a lie
But thanks hope, you’re a far cry from a cry.

One Day

Written by C Hues

April 13, 2024

One day, maybe we won’t be hunted
One day, we won’t want to feel wanted
One day, we’ll see the beauty in Black
One day, we won’t be placed in the back
One day, we won’t have to keep dreaming
Or one day, maybe we’ll stop dreaming
One day, perhaps we’ll move past paradise
Or one day, we’ll bet it all on a pair a’ dice
One day, we won’t have to run
One day, we won’t see a setting sun
One day, we will be free from each white supremacist cousin
One day, our bodies will not be theirs to bludgeon
One day, we’ll have no way to make another poor
One day, we won’t have to say “One Day” anymore…

Total Eclipse

Written by C Hues

April 8, 2024

Being Black, Brown, Native, Arab, and Jew
The Total Eclipse is nothing new.
You see darkness during daytime?
Whoop-de-doo, for us it’s the same time
Pretty soon you’ll see Batman bustin’ a cop
But he can’t stop those at the top
Committin’ the same crime
Cheatin’ us out of change, count it and die
That’s the cost when we look ‘em straight in the eye
Being blinded by racism you can’t afford
Our sons steadily shadowed in several stores
Our daughters raped by masters, the Klan, cops, then ignored
And in the very same breath they callin’ them whores
The Total Eclipse is fun for you, but the rest of us bored.


Written by C Hues

April 6, 2024

Black bodies broke but work the tobacco
Skin light as master’s, share his blood from Antrim and Glasgow
And London, religious freedom they’re wantin’
The crown takes from from you, yet you’re takin’ nothin’?

Colonization creates unconditional liberation
You can kill, steal, and rape without condemnation
And then go to church the very same day
While only hell exists for your black and brown prey.

Capital One

Written by C Hues

April 3, 2024

VA’s our new home—
We have loyal fans out there.
It’s not the money.

I’ll tell all my plans,
Before the deal is approved.
How could this go wrong?

My foot’s in my mouth.
We’re back to Capital One.
It was for the fans!