
Written by C Hues

April 28, 2024

Without might, you’re faced with peace.
With might, your crimes increase.
With might, crimes are not yours.
Without might, can’t sell your wars.
With might, there is no wrong.
With might, the right are right.
With might, others don’t belong.
With might, you invent white.
Without might, what is your high?
Without might, what is your purpose?
Without might, you might die.
Without might, you might deserve this.
Within might, hides the lie.
Withhold might, you feel worthless.
Withdrawn might is the true power.


Written by C Hues

April 23, 2024

There’s too much time
Too little margin of error
No reason or rhyme
In this rime of terror
Hell freezes over
Because you elected the unelectable
What was so visible
Is suddenly undetectable
And the spring gets colder
Shit is residual
Doesn’t it madden you?
Suppose it would if there’d been a soul.
The blood from 5th Avenue
Is the cost of the individual.


Written by C Hues

April 22, 2024

There once was a Governor named Green.
He kept his environment clean--
Till some who liked fracking
Paid him what was lacking.
And so, he sold out for that green.


Written by C Hues

April 21, 2024

There once lived some dogs, they were Laoise’s.
She let them run wild; was egregious.
They ran out of the fence.
Bit a man in “defense”.
She was sued, yet she still got no leashes.


Written by C Hues

April 20, 2024

What is progress,
But a big step forward before they push us back.
What is progress,
But a word meant to make men remake black.
What is progress,
But a step up from regress, then we’re right back.
What is progress,
But constant strife, a war without an end?
What is progress,
But a slogan to make the cold and lifeless feel.
What is progress,
But the hook and the reel.
What is progress,
But still, brave black men and women against the violent wind.
This is progress,
Not too progressive in fact.