The Bottom

Written by C Hues

March 1, 2024

The scanners, the printers, the computers won’t work.
Good thing we’ve got a gaslighting jerk.
“Ours are fine—so you must be lazy.
The system ain’t broken—you must be crazy.”
Stress got you taking Famotidine.
White supremacists at the top cutting into your green.
The paychecks are late, and the doors stay shut.
“Do Not Disturb” for the blacks that you’ll cut.
Your superior skills should see you a promotion.
But you’re a Nigger to them, they won’t entertain the notion.
The petty providers put up a show.
There’s a target on your back for telling them no.
But there’s a target there anyway because of their power and hate—
They put black at the bottom to call themselves great.