
Written by C Hues

January 14, 2024

See the martyr and miss the man.
See the vision but be blind to the execution.
See the execution but be blind to the visionary.
See, King is killed every day, again and again.

He was peaceful, but never silent.
To the cops who beat him with violence,
King’s paternal line traced to Ireland. 
Yet they see no connection, just an island.

We remember King but forget Martin.
He wasn’t perfect, but he was the best.
Sometimes, he smoked. Sometimes, he cheated.
But he always fought and would rarely rest.

His heart was overworked, and his mind was too.
Since childhood, he would often get blue.
He was angry at the way whites treated blacks.
He and Malcolm began to have each other’s backs.

He didn’t let his anger transform to hate.
To become his enemy was not his fate.
He taught John Hume and John Lewis
That love is God and never useless. 

Anna May

Written by C Hues

January 13, 2024

There once was a spoiled girl named Anna May.
One day she got bored, so she ran away.
Her dad couldn’t find her.
Her mom couldn’t either.
She was at her friend’s watching anime.


Written by C Hues

January 10, 2024

Pass it on to me.
Thank you for the hand-me-down. 
It fits perfectly.

It will grow with me.
I’ll wear the shame with honor.
My kids won’t be free.

It’s not your fault though.
But still, I blame you instead.
They’ve got in my head.


Written by C Hues

January 8, 2024

You swipe right for lust.
And you swipe down for credit,
Left up to nothing.

Think That’s Fair

Written by C Hues

January 7, 2024

White supremacists storm the capital.
But their crime is far from capital.
You say the punishment is too severe?
Pretend they’re black—still think that’s fair?
Giving burgers to church shooters.
Use excuses to murder looters.
Say that you’re friend to every cop,
Yet that red wave made blue lives stop.
And now you speak of bullshit pardon,
I hear you right? I beg your pardon.
Supremacists raped us and reveled in our blood.
Called us cursed sons of the Flood.
But if we’re cursed, I guess you’re blessed.
Power judges, yet cannot confess.