
Written by C Hues

December 2, 2023

There once was an old man named Dean.
At his college, he worked as the Dean.
The students did hate him.
Low scores did they rate him.
And he made the tuition obscene.


Written by C Hues

December 1, 2023

Am I really a head coach?
My players trip me, accidentally, into the dirt—
As my head is shoveled further in shame,
I feel more like a roach.
My face is covered with mud and hurt.
When the smoke clears, I hear my name.
I never cheat, I never poach.
Yet here I’m eating just dessert…
At least we won the game!
And victory couldn’t come sooner.

House of Liars

Written by C Hues

December 1, 2023

They needed your vote.
And now they’ve voted you out.
Liars are loyal.

You’ve got honesty,
And Donald Trump’s a genius.
Congress gets shit done.

Your room is vacant,
And now it’s much like your head.
And that’s not a lie.