Black Veteran

Written by C Hues

November 10, 2023

Blacks fought for red, white, and blue
As a nation of war, conflict we renew
Blacks served while being refused service at home
Lied to about rights but we still stay true

Blacks were the heroes who received no gain
On the front lines to bear the brunt of the pain
And enemy POWs received more respect
Than a Black vet, yet that’s not insane?

Office Politics

Written by C Hues

November 10, 2023

Office politics:
Tell the staff you’ll vote for Trump.
We need to know that.

Office politics:
Get the patient involved now.
He needs to know that.

Office politics:
Stay misinformed but be right.
You need to know that.

We Learned

Written by C Hues

November 8, 2023

Ali taught us to be unapologetic.
We learned Black Power is Freedom.
Kareem taught us to keep it copacetic.
We learned that community’s our Kingdom.

King taught us to be better by Forgiving.
We learned to live by the principles the southern Christians Claimed.
Malcolm taught us the price of Living.
We learned our culture despite the blood of slaveowners from whom we’re Named.


Written by C Hues

November 7, 2023

Buy overpriced cards,
While you watch folks jump the gates
And not pay the price.


Written by C Hues

November 4, 2023

There’s a new Speaker.
He said he’ll uphold the law.
Sure, I believe that.

There’s the same Speaker—
Supporting insurrections.
Yet you love the law.

There’s the mute Speaker.
He’s loud against criminals—
Except his party’s.