Black Face

Written by C Hues

November 26, 2023

“Oh no, Netflix! Not again!
Disney follows latest trend.
My favorite character was white,
Now they look just like the night.

I’ll boycott you, just you wait!
Internet just needs more HATE!
I just love how you all pander.
Ignorance is the right answer.”

Thinly veiled racism rules.
You couldn’t see a black face long ago,
But still saw blackface in your show.
You’re tired of these newfound rules.

You say they’re just an empty gesture
To get blacks—cause you know better.
To get women, minorities too—
Detective, get a fuckin’ clue.

In Wanted, when they flipped Fox—
You ain’t say shit on that.
Just keep watching that crap from FOX.
For you, I’m sure they’ll go to bat.

The Lone Ranger stole from Bass.
Indians, Egyptians—played by whites.
All that time, where was your sass?
If it were up to you—we’d have no rights.


Written by C Hues

November 25, 2023

As you let them cross, cars honk.
Drivers hit the wheel.

Stop—it’s a stop sign!
You come to a halt; cars pass.
Drivers flip you off.

Stop—it’s some bullshit.
You come to understand this.
Drivers made you walk.

Nation State

Written by C Hues

November 24, 2023

The Iroquois Confederacy inspired the Founding Father—
Mr. Franklin, who stole from those he called savage.
And history books don’t mention it; why bother?
Eradication and Revision is colonization’s advantage.

There would be no such thing as a Nation State
Without the Six Nations that made one.
The Indigenous people made America great.
Freedom for the first was lost as Independence was won.

Climate Change

Written by C Hues

November 16, 2023

You burn fossil fuels.
You take down solar panels.
Are you a genius?

Are you a moron?
Oh gee, we’re getting warmer—
Just like the climate.

Snow Day

Written by C Hues

November 13, 2023

Hooray for snow day! 
You get to miss work today.
And miss a paycheck.

School’s closed this snow day.
But there’s virtual learning.
So you miss nothing.

Beautiful snow day—
Thanks for blocking my driveway.
You missed no spot there.