The Greatest

Written by C Hues

October 7, 2023

With lightning fists and lightning wit,
The white supremacists should’ve quit.
There’s not a soul who could strike within distance
Or go the distance in any instance.

He was immutable and versatile 
A hero that they viewed a villain
Ancestry was English, Irish, Malagasy, and African
He was tried but took on every trial

Spoke out against the slave owners who raped and revised,
Eradicated cultures, and spread slavery’s lies
Spoke out against Jim Crow and the Vietnam War
While politicians profited off the backs of the poor

Inspired a King to challenge a President
And from The Greatest you could expect no less
Because he was black, bigots branded him arrogant
But Black Power is his story and his success.


Written by C Hues

October 6, 2023

Answer this, Jordan:
How do you stand with no spine?
Let Trump be Speaker.


Written by C Hues

October 4, 2023

Talk about your boss.
And don’t you mind the thin walls.
And don’t mind your job.

Now the boss heard you.
All thanks to your quiet mouth.
Or thanks to your friend.

You had a rapport.
Now they have your position.
You should’ve listened.

Blue Line

Written by C Hues

October 1, 2023

This train is crowded
Are words no one’s ever said.
Great, ten minute wait.