I Quit

Written by C Hues

October 16, 2023

“I quit”, feels so good.
You didn’t give your two weeks.
You just told them off.

You storm out the door…
Do a final turn, then smile
And flip your boss off.

Back at home, you’re glad
You won’t take shit anymore.
Then you remember.

“I’m broke”, feels so bad.
They didn’t give you two weeks.
They just sent you off.


Written by C Hues

October 15, 2023

There once was a friar named Neil.
He would not submit to God’s will.
Thought the cloth would save him.
Hail Mary’s forgave him.
Yet near death, all he did was kneel.


Written by C Hues

October 12, 2023

Black people, you must believe in yourself
Confidence is the first thing they take from community
They target the whole to destroy the individual’s soul
We are vastly unique and maintain unity

Black people, you must believe in your health
Prepare a meal that’s right for the mind
Put in good and good comes out
Don’t believe the bigots and be burdened with doubt

Black people, you must believe in your wealth
Invest and save; study the stocks
Invest in your people, invest in the blocks
And make the next generation better than yours

Columbus Day

Written by C Hues

October 9, 2023

A U.S. hero,
Who never reached the U.S.
A well-deserved day.

A man who murdered,
A man who enslaved the First,
And brought diseases.

This is your hero?
Give the holiday to him
While the First suffer.


Written by C Hues

October 8, 2023

Let’s watch anime.
Great, this whole arc is filler.
Should’ve read manga.