
Written by C Hues

August 4, 2023

He’s not really dead.
It was his twin who was killed.
How original.


Written by C Hues

August 3, 2023

Though heat dies down,
Tempers flare.
Like an owl, my six is seen.
We all await what August brings. 

There’s a brother in your family,
But their color is all you see.
“Let them kill amongst themselves,”
You claim, yet you have killed as well.

Brighter days may come soon.
That’s what they said, last month and June.
And if one thing we know for sure—
August is hope’s current cure.


Written by C Hues

August 3, 2023

There once was a young man named Justin.
His rival reporter was Dustin.
Dustin came to work hot.
So, Justin took his spot.
He reported news that was just in.

Blue Light

Written by C Hues

August 2, 2023

Blue light keeps me up.
Texting late nights—wasting time.
Blue light keeps me down.