
Written by C Hues

July 30, 2023

Power likes to stare at its reflection—
Ugly as it may be,
It cannot help but claim greatness.
Power likes to lie and revise,
Saying that our story is shallow—
But it is deep waters that we wade.
Power covers the master’s sin,
While slaves bear their master’s kin.
Power says Jim Crow is gone,
And America has moved along.
Power wants to hurt our nation,
No physician to the patient.
Power says no problem here,
Yet you can’t make U.S. disappear.

The Sparrow

Written by C Hues

July 27, 2023

Small and silent, still so bold—
Fed by strangers, now steals food.
Foraging’s the way of old;
Kindness never seemed so crude.

In the building, on the pipe—
Now the piper preys on you.
Waiting for the chance to swipe
And take what he thinks he’s due.

Do Not Cross

Written by C Hues

July 26, 2023

Running through red lights.
You see no cars, so you go.
Blind spot—and you’re gone.


Written by C Hues

July 24, 2023

Tell all the girls and women who were raped who’s benefit slavery meant,
Carrying on their master’s child or their master’s son’s.
The weight of wickedness, while loving the innocent.
The mulatto blood in most of U.S. is a river that runs

Tell all the men who watched their daughters and wives taken,
Feeling like a failure to protect his own as a man,
Seeing that society’s construct is corrupt and mistaken,
Knowing his name was called last, he’d lose more if he ran.

Thank you for telling U.S. that we benefit from chains.
You’re so intelligent and wise; it’s stunning.
I suppose the wolf knows the extent of the sheep’s pains.
Please keep regressing with the platform you’re running.


Written by C Hues

July 19, 2023

Your team won Sunday—
Overtime, buzzer-beater.
You had to work then.