
Written by C Hues

June 7, 2023

I see their spike in crime—
Each power-hungry poser.
They rise up with the clime
As we lose all composure.

There’s murder on their hands!
No ground to take their stands.
They shoot us in the back—
All for 200 grand…

The ones who hate our guts—
Yet smile like we’re the same.
And some believe the act.
The Oscar’s in their name.

Forget who got them where they were
But recall all the wrongs.
They think we’ll sing their praises—
But no one knows the songs.


Written by C Hues

June 6, 2023

Sudden fire starting—
Seething in our soul.
Solely sinking in—
That we aren’t in control.

Tears will travel from and to—
Two-faced traitors knew.
Backstabbers take U.S. backwards—
Yet let stagnation stew.

So, more souls face slaughter—
But still your pockets grow.
You failed each son and daughter—
Each parent sundered low.


Written by C Hues

June 5, 2023

As light can cast a shadow
And shadows hide the light;
Spring loses winter’s shackle—
That blossoms through the night.

As Sun trades places soon,
Spring time tries to delay—
That intermittent moon
And make age waste your day.

We cannot see the picture—
But only from one side. 
Eyes follow from a fixture;
We’re cursed with youthful pride.

The Bow

Written by C Hues

June 4, 2023

The cat has a gift:
A dead rat at your doorstep.
He forgot the bow.


Written by C Hues

June 1, 2023

There once was a pilot named Lane.
Half the time that he flew—he’d complain.
One day he got tired.
And so, he was fired.
Found asleep on the plane where he’d lain.