Art in Blue

Written by C Hues

June 24, 2023

There’s that feeling in your heart
That hollows out the hope
And takes away the art
Makes you want to mope

That makes the color blue
The only one you see
And knowing that your view
Is like an endless sea

So you’re stranded—sinking
And as you gasp for air
Then you get to thinking
You’re still not dead there

The fish swim by—ignore
The sharks don’t bite you like onscreen
The octopus blends with the floor
You’re drowning and unseen

Blood Money

Written by C Hues

June 23, 2023

Betrayal by blood.
Blood’s much thinner than money.
Money’s betrayal.


Written by C Hues

June 22, 2023

There once was a boxer named Jim.
Late nights, he’d been trained in the gym.
His owner’s the owner.
The dog was a loner.
Now the man’s a companion to him.


Written by C Hues

June 20, 2023

There’s a British artist named Drew.
He fails all his art classes too.
He mocks his professors.
Draws them as bed-wetters. 
And shows they don’t go to the loo.


Written by C Hues

June 19, 2023

The rapists and torturers fled to the Lone Star State
Where they latched onto their lie as long as lies last
The Emancipation—they said wasn’t their fate
And neither was the 13th when that was finally passed.

This is the weary road to have freedom won
Two years after the end of slavery’s name
And General Order number three would be done
As General Granger went forth to proclaim.

And today we look back at this day of Jubilee
Where my people are locked up, beaten down, and free
While this generation faces problems—past, present, and portent
And supremacists hide history to say we’re not important.

But now it’s time to take another view
Of the power of the people of Uhuru!
Despite the odds, there is joy in the strife
Because Black is the root and the future of all life. 


  1. . “What is Juneteenth?” Elizabeth Nix. June 19, 2015. Updated June 12, 2023.