No Place

Written by C Hues

May 24, 2023

No place in the city, shut off from the suburbs
Way outta this world, what’s being unearthed
Diggin’ our own graves while doin’ dirt to the planet
So Florida’s underwater, I’m sure DeSantis will manage
You throwin’ parties in mansions while my people are famished
Goin’ to war with a goddamn mouse
Even if you win you still lose
And 45’s such a genius—what great options to choose
So many fall for the ruse
Subterfuge no longer from the shadows
Anacostia and Appalachia fightin’ the same battles
Elites set poor against poor and frame it in color
But it was your ancestors from Ulster that raped our Great grandmothers
So it ain’t an issue of how we look
But the healthcare we both need that the rich will say they took
As the thieves take your money and call us crooks.


Written by C Hues

May 23, 2023

It’s never over for the underdog
Underhanded politics
Done over corpses
When the trumper votes, it’s the gun he endorses
Senators slitherin’ and sheddin’ their skin
If it was their sons dyin’, they’d still do it again
Swimmin’ in the swamp with their chelonian kin
Who the fuck you think this shit affects?
Think cuz you a similar shade that you won’t be next?
This just all seems like I’m jokin’?
Until you see that the system of the rich is broken
Hydra’s in the House, all that’s lost is regrowin’
And I oppose it with every ounce of who I am
Cause you can’t take my courage—it’s mine
While your leader is a liar who’s in need of a spine
By my own light I’ll share it with others to shine.

As Well

Written by C Hues

May 22, 2023

There’s power past the pain—
Though it holds the hurt. 
Why want one to explain
Why they did me dirt?

I look and like to linger…
Tempest can’t be quelled.
Quick to point the finger—
When I’m the one as well.


Written by C Hues

May 21, 2023

Coming conflict in the clouds
Sudden shift to spring
Starts pouring in a stratagem
Yet I’m supposed to sing?

Where will my people go
When leaving’s all that’s left?
And we were here the whole time
To become so bereft.


Written by C Hues

May 15, 2023

Right here in Brookland, lookin’ back in the day
Blacks been denied peace, our rights taken away
At the Christian college where they follow Christ
Said no integration, they forgot their heist
Virginity robbed and the land is stolen 
For my family bled for the master’s wants
To lust for his prey, the very thing he hunts
The criminal assigns crime; covers himself
White supremacy raped its way to its wealth
Can’t deny what’s in front, escape what’s behind
Lie to the youth by takin’ history’s time
Tryna tell me the South’s defined by a line
Like each state’s gotta be red, blue, or purple
So, seems society’s doomed to encircle.