
Written by C Hues

May 31, 2023

Here’s a hopeless sense of haste—
Trying to turn time to our tune.
Looking at this world we waste—
Growing jaded, approaching June.

If tomorrow never came
And the Earth slowed to a still,
Yet somehow we still remained—
Could we fix all the world’s ills?

Would right and left meet in the center
Or would the center fall apart?
There are doors we dare not enter
And some change won’t enter hearts.

As it stands, the clock still ticks
All the time would not mend
Men’s constant call to conflicts
So we start same as we’ll end.


Written by C Hues

May 30, 2023

There once was a man with no console.
His system was broken and not whole.
Thought he’d Switch to a book.
But it just never took.
And no one was there to help console.


Written by C Hues

May 29, 2023

30’s important.
The zero is what makes it.
Forget your mind state.


Written by C Hues

May 29, 2023

My great-grandfather fought in the first World War
Won a medal from France but back at home, he was ignored
And he came back, working late into the night
Deemed lesser cause he was dark, yet kept his light

My ancestor fought in the Civil War
A mixed-race slave, came up dirt poor
His white blood didn’t give him a complexion
Dead set against the South’s insurrection

My great-uncles fought in World War II
They didn’t let others turn their color to blue
One returned with a bad limp
His power became peace, mistaken for a wimp

These are the heroes we tend to forget
The souls who sacrificed so much and what do they get?
But as long as we’re still around
We’ll protect the country at air, sea, and ground

Can’t Be Helped

Written by C Hues

May 25, 2023

Follow the light
But throw shade around
Act like you’re right
And put others down

You’re well on your way
Please carry your cross
It looks good, I’ll say
You make a great loss.

You’ve been treated bad
Oh, it’s so sad
But when you’re the same
Oh, you’re not to blame

Thanks for no truth
Oh, love the façade
Your age kills my youth
Oh, you must be god

It’s never yourself
Because I’m too light
No, it can’t be helped
Goodbye and Goodnight.

So thanks, perfection
I’m humbled myself
No self-reflection?
No, it can’t be helped.