True Colors

Written by C Hues

April 6, 2023

Disrespect your fans.
Tell them that they don’t matter,
The ones who made you.

Forget your background. 
Forge bullshit identities.
And act tough online.

Care what they can give you.
Don’t care how you can help them.
Show your true colors.

Ignore and dismiss.
Expect the worst in others
But think yourself God.

You’re well on your way 
To be a selfless hero
On opposite day.

Isn’t it so great
That you think yourself so great,
With your small ego.


Written by C Hues

April 4, 2023

Who’s being arraigned?
Not Mr. Law-and-Order.
Is it fake news, now?

Can’t See Me

Written by C Hues

April 3, 2023

She waves, “Can’t See Me.”
FOX can’t see you, Angel Reese.
They only see Black.

April Fools

Written by C Hues

April 1, 2023

There once was a woman named April.
She loved cooking pancakes with maple.
Her son switched the contents.
Hot sauce was the nonsense.
Now April did spit on the table!