
Written by C Hues

February 23, 2023

Black man, you are strong.
Your adversary thinks you’re weak.
But they don’t know you sing our song
And quiet’s not the same as meek.

Black man, you’ve built this land.
You fought and died and won.
But coming back you understand
That your reward is none.

Black man, you are loved.
To know this, you must love your life.
You’ve been tortured, lynched, and shoved—
Yet still you conquer all that is strife.

Black woman, you’ve felt endless pain.
The masters raped you and loved their power.
But your suffering was not in vain
Because your spirit did not dour.

Black woman, you created peace
And paved the way for brilliant minds.
You fight, you march, you never cease
Because you are our history that binds.

Black woman you are always here.
You spoke the truth and took your space.
You are every racist’s fear
Because you’re proof there is no race.