
Written by C Hues

January 29, 2023

Frown when taking pics.
Nothing’s cheesier than smiles—
Frozen on a face.

I hear the phone snap.
After faking silly smiles,
I stare forever.

I see the photos
And they look so wonderful—
For a horror flick.

Click, click, click, click, click.
Well, that sound won’t make me sick.
This is so much fun.

Next time I won’t smile.
I’ll give you my best Ice Cube—
With attitude too.

Next time I hear “cheese”,
You better be talking food—
Unless you like frowns.

Men’s Rights

Written by C Hues

January 27, 2023

Men’s rights advocates:
It’s not women’s fault you’re dumb.
Blame dad, geniuses.


Written by C Hues

January 26, 2023

My cubicle’s small,
But it’s just not small enough
To hide from the boss.

Sitting far across,
I see the kitchen clearly.
I haven’t eaten.

Looking at my phone,
It’s almost time to go home.
But I can’t leave yet.

I get a rundown
Of what I’ve done wrong today.
Yay—late for Uber. 

Great—goodbye 5 stars.
I’ll take the metro next time
And be late again.