
Written by C Hues

December 29, 2022

What is inheritance? Is it a monetary gain, passed down through surnames?
When we talk of inheritance, we talk of spirit—
The soul that the slave owners tried to snuff out,
When they raped us to exert power.
But our soul is strong and survives
To sing our people’s song.

Inheritance is what led those who gained freedom
To know that they were not truly free
Until all their brothers and sisters were free too.
It is the soul of Tubman, that passed down to Rosa
When she stood for her sister, Recy.
We will sing our people’s song.

We have gained an anthem. Our anthem is power of another kind.
For my Black and Indigenous ancestors, who lost their lives
Protecting their freedom, preserving peace for all—
Know that your soul has survived. We have inherited,
As Faulkner said, the power to endure. But more than that—
We are America. America’s soul is strong.