
Written by C Hues

December 21, 2022

A woman and her backing band perform at a small music venue. 
Whisper whisper Mutter Mutter CHATTER CHATTER
The words grow louder, and the noise drowns out the music.
The bass player misses a beat.
After her performance, the woman storms off stage.
A friend extends his hand in good grace, saying, “You were awes—
The woman ignores him and moves his hand away.
The friend is angry now. He sees someone blocking the door.
He bumps into the door blocker and the door blocker pushes him back.
The door blocker and his new friend tussle that night.
The loser of the fight goes home to his wife.
Coming through the door, his wife asks him if he made any new friends.
He finds a reason to yell at his wife—the door should have been locked.
“I just waltzed right in!” As he hears the bassist miss the beat again.