Written by C Hues
December 9, 2022
When John Punch was captured and discerned to be different, we knew it was the beginning of LIES, And now we are taught that colonization was the start of America and Imperialism is its END. But here we are, our bodies have been broken, beaten, brought, bought—not our own, and NOW We cannot walk in the world without war waged on women. But this was the beginning of LIES that erased our religions, histories, cultures—and made them singular. Celia put her master to his END to stop his rape, and for it she was hanged. Tubman led the way to freedom so that NOW we wouldn’t live the same Nightmare that Malcolm preached about, yet here LIES Cousin, Son, Brother, Nephew, Grandson. I hope they know that though their lives are at an END, their history is just beginning. Your memory will never die because you live with us NOW And forever.