Those Who’ve Passed Are Still Around

Written by C Hues

October 12, 2022

Those who’ve passed are still around
We do not see them, but they remain
Their souls are with us above ground

We wake up, and hear a sound
That transports us to memory lane
Those who’ve passed are still around

They fight for us, pound for pound
And in our corner, keep us sane
Their souls are with us above ground

They follow like a loyal hound
Yet they’re the ones who teach and train
Those who’ve passed are still around

Death cannot defeat what’s bound
Though memories may bring us pain
Their souls are with us above ground

They are with us if faith is found
Their lives with us were not in vain
Those who’ve passed are still around
Their souls are with us above ground.


Written by C Hues

October 11, 2022

“Your One-Time Password
Is Five Seven Five Seven
Seven.” Fall asleep—
Waking up, hours later:
Your password has expired.

Better Man

Written by C Hues

October 7, 2022

In the shadow of a better man,
You feel less and less yourself.
Pursuing what you suspect is there,
But proving nothing.
Trying to live up to a name,
While failing to make your own.

You start to think you’re on your own
And question if you are a man.
You may have your father’s name
But you are still yourself.
When reflecting, you see nothing.
What, if anything, is there?

I don’t think you should go there—
To a place that’s not your own.
You will end up with nothing,
And feeling that you’re not a man.
Who is this? Are you yourself?
Do you even know your name?

There’s more to you than just your name,
Even though it’s always there.
You still think you’re in this by yourself,
And that who you are is what you own.
But what you have won’t make you a man,
Obsessing over nothing.

You start to see success is really nothing
Other than trying to make a name.
So what you thought of as a man
Was never truly there.
The mistakes you own
Do not define you but help you better yourself.

So go and be yourself
And want nothing.
Your soul is your own.
Your father’s name
Does not put you there—
On the path to be your better man.

Now you know yourself, you are more than a name.
You can see nothing will get the ego there—
Because you are a man who holds his own.


Written by C Hues

October 6, 2022

You are just on time
It is Five Seventy-Five
Oh, I need glasses

Walk Slow

Written by C Hues

October 4, 2022

In life, I try to walk slow.
It’s nice—to breathe and walk slow.

Otherwise, life passes by
And time will merely stalk slow.

I make sure to hang on words—
Know that it’s peace to talk slow.

As a lad, in school I would
Write on the board with chalk, slow.

When my folks commanded me
I would refuse and balk, slow.