
Written by C Hues

October 27, 2022

My daughter is the “lowest caste”
A half-breed slave—my master’s shame
Reminds him of his wicked past
While the lady’s sons get master’s name

My son, there are many things I wish I’d said
Regrets that grow as I grow weak
I resurrect a time long dead
A man called “boy”—a man made meek

Grandchild, it hurts to see you here
In this same place that time trapped me
You’ve seen that hatred thrives on fear
This isn’t the future your kids should see

Descendants, if you’re in this same fight
Centuries passed—but time stuck still
Just know that even progress slight
Means we’ve moved time—with stronger will.


Written by C Hues

October 26, 2022

You have been cordially invited
To an uncomfortable situation
You should smile and be delighted
To be the token of appreciation

We’ll make you feel so small
With our insular views
You represent them all
From light to darker hues

We can’t even discern
You’d make the perfect addition
And we don’t ever learn
Because it’s not our affliction

Paulina and Kathy want a yes
Tommy and Billy too
We’ll make you feel like less
Because you are more than you

Can’t Be Broken

Written by C Hues

October 21, 2022

Empires enlarge when color is currency
Britain never acknowledged its darker descendants
Children of the plantation orphaned by their nations
Those who build are cut down to keep power ascendant.

One person’s dream is another’s nightmare
Yet the world is loud—and we cannot sleep
There’s not enough history and there’s too much time
But we can’t be broken 
Because our branches grow long, and our roots shoot deep.

Flow Free

Written by C Hues

October 20, 2022

When I’m in the booth, I flow free
and the music makes me so free.

Wolof blood runs deep in my veins
to rebel, not stop and go free.

I spit for the fam, all of us—
to set each sistah and bro free.

My rhymes create peace, they help ease
shared pain and make friend and foe free.

I know no caste; fight lies of class—
bridge the gap, make rich and po’ free.

Darker Days

Written by C Hues

October 13, 2022

My uncle said it’s the end times
My dad said these are darker days
My mom said it’ll be just fine
My sister said it’s all a phase
Oh my, it’s pretty hard to tell
When the world’s been this unwell
You might start doubting everything
And think this world is really hell
Well, I think the sages see
The world is not what it should be
But whether it’s eternity
Or whether it will pass
We must stand against the storm
Whatever shape, whatever form.