
Written by C Hues

September 30, 2022

There once was a man named O’Keefe
He swore off all meat and ate leaf
His son was a butcher 
Looked like Ashton Kutcher
Now he and his son just had beef


Written by C Hues

September 29, 2022

When applying to the position, they will hear and not listen.
But you need not ask power for permission.
You just need to play the game;
So you must learn to take their name.

At least get your foot in the door.
They may be mystified or more.
When they see that Finn is really Black—
Perception is all, for awareness they lack.

The Target

Written by C Hues

September 28, 2022

You can play classical instead of rap, lacrosse instead of track
But there it takes its toll, tattooed on your back
No matter what you do, no matter what you say
The target will remain—you can’t wish it away

Something sinister shadowing, steady stalking slow
A sudden shot, a strike against you, a very low blow
Because your hair or what you wear or speaking up in class
Are just excuses the bigots use to paint the target on your ass

Old Friend

Written by C Hues

September 23, 2022

“You are my oldest friend”
That’s how I knew we reached the end
Not even “brother” or “best”
What’s worn on one’s sleeve is closer to another’s chest

An old friend is worse than any antagonist
There are enough enemies—you expect enmity
But the reminder of the bond that used to exist
Breaks our peace and severs serenity


Written by C Hues

September 22, 2022

The old folks say we got it made
Every second we seem to suffer some slight
Slaves denied the right to read and write
And as the tree grows—the memories fade

But the truth is that we still endure
Our ancestors were rich and poor
Indigenous, whites, and blacks
Our blood drew blood straight from our backs

Not all Ancestors pass on genes
But do they tie us to our fate?
Are we simply the branches seen
And they the roots we can’t relate?

An Ancestor is family—they protect and provide
Family who came before
And anyone can give DNA before they’ve died
But an Ancestor is Pride