
Written by C Hues

August 11, 2022

We’re headed downhill like the owners from Ulster
Mulattoes were the creation—Brits and Irish were the authors
They fancied the fancies, opportunity, and greed
As the wants trickled down to overcome the needs
It’s a stretch like Reed if you think things are fantastic
Pathetic push for power, policies so plastic

Politicians lie about lowering the crime rate
Yet hardly a single one tries to rehabilitate 
They put the poor down when the downpour came
The middle class is mentioned, but below that is inane
You must be insane—cause if you don’t wanna drown
Reaganomics must reign, and watch the lie trickle down


Written by C Hues

August 10, 2022

Looking up at the disaster
Ceiling soaked with spots of brown
Lord have mercy on the plaster
Has the room turned upside down?

Some call it Mother Nature’s portrait
Some say it’s lovely—day or dark
I say your eyes must be forfeit
To place beauty in the watermark


Written by C Hues

August 8, 2022

Back when I turned thirteen—I went in for a dunk
Pastor Paul said to be saved, my soul had to be sunk
I took my time in the tub and dipped my toes
And everywhere I looked, I spotted friends and foes
Pastor Paul mumbled, then said, “Son you’ll be fine.
You’re about to be reborn—and you can’t uncross the line.”

Pastor plunged me in the water and I was alone
I was down so long—I thought that I might die
And then I rose and realized all I’d known
I questioned as a lie
My voice transformed from tenor to baritone
And my favorite word was “Why?”

Stepping Down

Written by C Hues

August 6, 2022

Power tends to muddy morals
	The soul becomes a phantom pain
		Conscience slips into the shadows
			         Stepping down to make a gain

Selling someone else’s lies
	Fist bumps to the other guys
		Thinking your career will rise
			Stepping down to reach new highs