Earth Day

Written by C Hues

April 22, 2022

Great Gaia grows more bitter
One day dedicated to Mother Earth
Tomorrow’s time to toss and litter
I wonder what it all was worth

We like to look upon the stars 
While we eradicate our roots
Better get used to life on Mars
Self-destruction—sow it suits


Written by C Hues

April 21, 2022

I never knew the terms or tricks
For me, the skateboard never fit
But God, when seeing that it sticks
You know why skaters never quit

Mere mortal men would just stay down
But then we saw that Hawk could fly
Inspired all—white, black, and Brown
To soar and reach the heights of Sky

The Pen

Written by C Hues

April 20, 2022

There is power in the Pen
Protection—she does provide
There is purpose in the Pen
Perennial—is her pride

The Pen makes the writer whole
She is more than instrument
The Pen channels through the soul
She is payment, never spent

Big Bad Bully

Written by C Hues

April 19, 2022

Always antagonize
Break bones
Create conflict
Do dirt

Embrace evil
Forget friends
Gain ground
Hate humans

A Fair Game

Written by C Hues

April 18, 2022

When “trying out” for t-ball
There wasn’t any doubt
Now that the game has changed
I just seem to strike out…

The other team’s been stealing signs
And the times we tried to tie the score
Their sixes became nines
A fine day for a fair game.