The Golden Age

Written by C Hues

January 28, 2022

                The box we watched was full of fakes
		Mobster and ad man, meth cook and beat cop
		The Golden Age bred silver tongued snakes
		Yet we tuned in and could not stop

		From Roger to Don
		From Chris to Tony
		From McNulty to Stringer
		They all were phony
		We saw them kill, torture and steal
		Just hoping they would come around
		We waited and waited and still
		Their souls stayed lost and never found

		From Roger to Don
		From Chris to Tony
		From McNulty to Stringer
		Souls lost and lonely

The Heel

Written by C Hues

January 18, 2022

                        What makes a movie great?
			Is it the hero, the journey, or each camera shot?
			No! It’s finding a heel to hate
			Their machinations, their cunning, what they plot

			Discovering justice, at least on screen 
			Villains vanquished! And bullies beat
			Karma’s reward finally seen
			That is the movie’s greatest treat

			Movies prove that hell is real
			That dastardly deeds will be repaid
			To see the debtor pay his bill  
			And the liar lie in the bed he’s made.


Written by C Hues

January 17, 2022

For Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his service to humanity

A King who served like Serena
Who showed there was no one way to be free
He had the blood of those who fought Jim Crow and NINA 
And saw the same struggle of Ali as Charles McGee
A man whose enemy was Non Serviam
Who knew doing nothing was as bad as doing wrong
He risked everything to speak the truth on Vietnam
Indeed, the moral arc of the universe is long 

[1] NINA means “No Irish Need Apply” and was used to discriminate against Irish Catholics. [2] A reference to Dr. King’s statement that the moral arc of the universe is long but bends toward justice.


Written by C Hues

January 10, 2022

                                Failure always teaches, but most ignore each tactic
				Failure never preaches, lessons aren’t didactic
				Failure is a doctor, curing you of hope
				Failure is an avalanche, on life’s downward slope

				Failure is forever, like the mark of Cain
				Failure’s a reminder, the ever-burning pain
				Failure steals your soul, leaving little left
				Failure’s never satisfied, however great the theft

The Panther

Written by C Hues

January 4, 2022

                               The black cat stalked and shadowed
				But the sunrise foiled his game
				Striking skin against the snow
				There were no birds he’d kill or maim

				But the black cat sat still, sitting silent
				As the Sun slipped slowly, far away
				A bright-eyed bird, bathing alone
				The Panther prowled—and pounced his prey!