November 19

Written by C Hues

November 19, 2021

“Justice is blind” is but a lie
Supremacists will sob and cry
A sorry face and alligator tears
To justify the jury’s fears

Raise the rebel flag with pride
“Justice is blind”, but never tried
A minute of deliberation
Death to thought of integration

Slaves were hanged for self-defense
To stop rape and abuse
“Justice is blind” is a pretense
Just tell it to the noose

“Here we have on trial today—
Jim Crow, Huck Finn, and Tom Sawyer
but the South will never sway;
Justice is blind”, mocked the lawyer.


Written by C Hues

November 16, 2021


                        He wakes up wanting the day to end
			His marriage has reached the bottom
			He cannot hold his baby boy
			For fear that he would drop him

			Don’t think about being blue
			Don’t think about being blue
			Don’t think about being blue
			She wishes life was slower
			She tries to drive but dread
			Incessant death and people struck
			Are always in her head
			Don’t think of red
			Don’t think of red
			Don’t think of red

                        Her mom was dark, her dad was white
                        And knowing, as a slave
                        Her body isn’t hers
                        So should she choose the grave?

			Don’t be high yellow
			Don’t be high yellow
			Don’t be high yellow


Written by C Hues

November 16, 2021

                                 …There’s an immortal jellyfish!
				And on its side—the number 8
				No one stays dead—in comic books
				And the Phoenix has conquered fate.
				Eternal Life—my greatest wish
				Condemned to Hell if I choose hate
				Oblivion—is that the look?
				If I could tell you when I’m late...


By C Hues

November 15, 2021

No path is ever Perfect
All the moments on the way
What makes the journey worth it
Start and end be what it may

The Artist is a nudist
And paints her picture clearly
She will never feel the shame
Because she sees sincerely

No path is ever Perfect
All the moments on the way
What makes the journey worth it
Beginning be what it may

Artists wear their birthday suits
And they fly, whereas the flock
Will stay forever grounded
Counting days upon the clock

No path is ever Perfect
All the moments on the way
What makes the journey worth it
The ending be what it may

The artist has no clothing
He shows us every scar
Fear does not hold him hostage
So he knows just who we are

No path is ever Perfect
All the moments on the way
What makes the journey worth it
As December cools from May



NOVEMBER 13, 2021

Two friends from far away
Stopped by to save my soul
One recommended Taylor Ham
The other a Pork Roll

Cleopatra captured Antony
She was his only view
The spell cast by her violet eyes
To Cassius they were blue

Their friends did not care
That Taylor identified as “they”
It was either “he” or “she”
Taylor didn’t have a say

A woman went to the tailor
To get clothes sent from heaven
She was a size 16
The tailor called it 7