Written by C Hues

November 29, 2021

There is POWER in my Voice, Yes /
Don’t consider it a weapon /
The pen is sword and shield, my protection /
Just like how we must mask to fight against Corona /
At Last, the writing has awakened my Persona /
I take a Stand, and hatch a Bizarre Plan /
I’m like Clark Kent, suitin’ up to strike the Klan /
From Rosa to Recy, I’ll make sure they see me /
Celia didn’t die in vain; the pain will free us /
They hated us for centuries, couldn’t be us so they beat us /
I was destined to lead, since before I was a fetus /
So meet us with some empathy or stay your ass home /
The time is mine; I shine like Ali—never call him Clay /
The oppressed make history, each and every day /
Now, whether you’re an atheist or all you do is pray /
Keep Moving Ahead cause you’re a King, defeat can never come your way.